the mood swing and the holiday project

January 10, 2011

at the beginning I was planning to change the banner of the blog but suddenly, a friend of mine chat me on facebook, told me that the score has not published yet but can be seen at the GPA graphic

the pink box i made, it is the third term. I GOT B on the subject (and B+ for other) I hope the other score will be at least on the line, pleeeeeeeeeease :'(

dan yak sudahlah pembicaraan mengenai IP dan IPK ini membuat gue hilang mood untuk mengganti banner blog dan membicarakan tentang holiday project.

eh tapi yaudahlah ya, jadi begini, gue memutuskan untuk kembali menjahit selama liburan semester yang singkat ini (masuk tanggal 31 men! <-- seriously praying I will pass the PA1! amin amin amiiiiin) gara-gara tadi pagi di tv tiba-tiba ada orang bikin boneka dari kaus kaki :) entah kenapa bonekanya lucu lohhhh jadi ceritanya hari ini gue mau mulai bikin. pertamanya mau beli kaus kaki, jarum dan benang jahit dulu terus ngerjainnya di kampus. I will post it on the blog later on (I know I havent post some project from the studio and class I had promised back then, I will think about that later b('_')d )

nah iya, tentang holiday project, selain si boneka kaus kaki gue juga mau bikin bingkai foto buat hadiah ulang tahun (entah temen yang mana, I will think about that later. or maybe I will give it as a giveaway <-- if it will be really that good)

dan satu lagi! mau bikin tempat pensil yang super besar karena I seriously need it. tempat pensil gue yang lama (which also a handmade) sudah luntur, dan rusak resletingnya. nyebelin kan? yaudahlah, mau beli bahan dulu supaya bisa bikin lagi

\(^_^\)(/^_^)/\(^0^)/ <-- I'm crazy over this emoticon. I'm sorry

happy holiday anyway, dan selamat ujian untuk anak FK UNPAD. udah belom sih? *curious

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