the challenge!

January 25, 2011

jadi tadi abis blogwalking ke blog blog seru punya fasil studio dan senior yang sebenernya gue nggak kenal terus ternyata mereka lagi ini loh :


dan kayanya seru aja gitu loh hehehehe

blog, buat gue adalah salah satu (ingat itu hanya salah satu) media untuk mengeluarkan unek-unek maupun menyalurkan 'unspoken words' yang berenang-renang di otak. yes, I often left things unsaid, buried it inside my head. it's not healthy, I know, that's why I have the blog, the tumblr, and the diary (the last one is totally private).
ngeliat mereka yang ngejalanin tantangan ini kok kayanya enak yaaa <-- entah kenapa keliatannya enak aja men. jadi gue mau ikutan aaaaah. and I also ask you, yes yooooou. the very you, to join this.

buat mereka terutama :

  1. Fulki Fadhila ( the future doctor whose writings I never get bored to read. I know you had this so-called-hectic schedule, but I know that you love to write, and you should know that I love to read yours :)
  2. Tania Miranti ( I love yours too, indeed, hey future interior designer!
  3. Fadilah Arief ( I hope this can help you spend your time better. You told me you were having so much spare times back then ha ha ha.
  4. Finka Nur Ikhwani ( hey my so-called junior ha ha ha! (PLEASED TO USE THE TERM!!!!) okaaay so this might be your last year on high school but come on, can you just join me, please?
  5. Shufi Syahida ( you can do this on your tumblr if you like, you should know that your words are truly inspiring :)
and hey, she is doing the 30 hari menulis too. I'm quite fond of her writings and she already write the third now :) good luck for us all!

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