the challenge!
January 25, 2011jadi tadi abis blogwalking ke blog blog seru punya fasil studio dan senior yang sebenernya gue nggak kenal terus ternyata mereka lagi ini loh :
dan kayanya seru aja gitu loh hehehehe
blog, buat gue adalah salah satu (ingat itu hanya salah satu) media untuk mengeluarkan unek-unek maupun menyalurkan 'unspoken words' yang berenang-renang di otak. yes, I often left things unsaid, buried it inside my head. it's not healthy, I know, that's why I have the blog, the tumblr, and the diary (the last one is totally private).
ngeliat mereka yang ngejalanin tantangan ini kok kayanya enak yaaa <-- entah kenapa keliatannya enak aja men. jadi gue mau ikutan aaaaah. and I also ask you, yes yooooou. the very you, to join this.
buat mereka terutama :
- Fulki Fadhila ( the future doctor whose writings I never get bored to read. I know you had this so-called-hectic schedule, but I know that you love to write, and you should know that I love to read yours :)
- Tania Miranti ( I love yours too, indeed, hey future interior designer!
- Fadilah Arief ( I hope this can help you spend your time better. You told me you were having so much spare times back then ha ha ha.
- Finka Nur Ikhwani ( hey my so-called junior ha ha ha! (PLEASED TO USE THE TERM!!!!) okaaay so this might be your last year on high school but come on, can you just join me, please?
- Shufi Syahida ( you can do this on your tumblr if you like, you should know that your words are truly inspiring :)