Nightmare Academy

June 22, 2009

so, i've been spending almost three days to complete reading this book and now im going to review it.

Title : Nightmare Academy
Author : Dean Lorey

Paperback Synopsis :

Charlie Benjamin kerap berlaku aneh, janggal dan membahayakan orang lain. Tiada prasekolah atau playgroup yang mau menampungnya. Baginya, tiada kawan bermain, menggambar dan menyanyi. Charlie membuat semua orang takut. Satu sebab : karena dia jenius!

Tidurpun menjadi kegiatan mengerikan baginya. Saat bermimpi buruk, tanpa sadar dia buka sebuah portal menuju dunia Nether, menghadirkan monster super ganas seperti Barakkas dan monster Hag yang gemar mengendus-endus ketiak. Akibatnya, lingkungannya porak-poranda.

Reading this novel reminding me about reading Harry Potter : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The main characters in the books, Charlie Benjamin and Harry Potter are rejected and having a secret ability without realizing at the first time. The different is that Harry Potter have something called magic and Charlie Benjamin have an imagination that can open a gate to a place called netherworld, where strange creatures live and try to rule the earth.

Even the friends of Charlie, Violet and Theodore, make me thinking about Hermione and Ron. They don't even want to be a friend at the beginning, right?

But afterall, the idea of the story is quite good. I love the idea about having nightmare to open the gate to the Netherworld, a world of bad creatures. It seems so simple and explains why people said that there are monsters under our bed. The description is... also good, eventhough i dont really like the way it translated but that's way good though.

this book is kind of ok.

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