
July 04, 2009

akhirnya SMA gue selesai. Kemarin gue ke Bandung buat pelepasan dan bagi rapor + ijasah, i know its kinda late since most of my friends' schools had held the graduation ceremony, but the different situation made it's all different for me.

i love being in my school... di sekolah gue cuma ada dua kelas untuk tiap angkatan, kelas IPA dan IPS. otomatis sebenernya waktu kelas satu kita semua sekelas, dan teman-teman yang cuma dua puluh enam itu juga satu angkatan. I know it was a real small number, but i prefer it that way. kalo nggak begitu, belum tentu gue bisa mengalami kejadian yang begitu menyenangkan in these past three years.

and since it was a small number, it's just nonsense to held a prom or whatever-it-got-its-name. kita cukup bikin sleepover party aja, yang nggak kejadian sih sebenernya. kita gak nyewa gedung apapun untuk acara perpisahan, perpisahannya malah cuma di ruangan AudioVisual. Ada MC, susunan acara, sambutan, penyerahan ijazah... just like what others did, in sort of simple-but-special way. Semua dekornya malah dibuat sama adik-adik kelas kita yang jumlahnya nggak beda jauhlah per angkatannya, dan itulah yang bikin rasa kekeluargaannya kerasa banget.

i love all of my high school friends sooooooo much!!!

ive been through my junior high school years in a public school and i knew how it feel to be, well, a-person-for-a-world.. i'd prefer my high school compare to my junior high school years, but still, high school is once-in-a-lifetime experience you may not forget... bagaimanapun kalian ngalaminnya!


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