
June 08, 2011

taken from here

I was scrolling on my tumblr dashboard when I finally saw this image.

actually, as long as you have facebook, then you have a-kind-of-delete-button. it's called a 'remove-friend' button. let's call it a simulation of a delete button in real life.

let's say you had a row with a friend of yours. It really gets on your nerve so you remove her on facebook. when that friend found out that you have removed her from your friend list, she may thought about that as a war declaration. you make the fight even more on fire because you decided to have no connection with her.

you feel upset, but she may feel more upset because of this removal. I guess, since facebook is not a direct way to communicate, we can easily misinterpreting the intention. thinking about it only in one point of view, adding two to the other two and make it a thousand. directly thinking that this is definitely not a good intention to start over.

your relationship is over in a single click.

once you need her, the world will never be the same. you won't have the guts to ask for her help; removing means you are ready to live your life without knowing about any single thing about her. even the tiniest bit about her life. removing means you are turning your back without any single intention to glance back. removing may just a click but may change your world forever.

this removing-things is only done in facebook. in real life, once you delete someone, you will never, ever, ever and I mean it, never ever get them back.

think before say. you probably need it. once again, you are not the only one who live in this planet earth

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