to tell the truth

May 23, 2013

to tell the truth might be the hardest thing someone could ever committed. I know it sounds super-exaggerated but it may be true in some condition. For example, in condition where people believe that majority is true. Then it becomes the true is what majority think it is.

I've been in one (or two, or maybe more) condition where I couldn't find the guts to tell the truth. I'm not being proud by letting people know about it, either making a justification (and this writing is a self reflection). The moment I can't say what I believe as the truth to majority of people that's the moment I know I have problem with myself.

So, while feeling guilty, I texted a friend, telling her that I don't feel right about keeping myself silence at that time and also afraid that I might have been telling the truth but then make it more acceptable by ended up giving tolerance by saying things that show that I also agree with that condition, even though I did not. So my friend reply was :

"kamu yang kenal temen kamu itu gimana karakternya. Ada yang bisa nerima pas kita frontal, ada yang emang yaudah kita mikir aja. Dan kebanyakan milih gak usah nyinggung soal hal yang kamu bilang itu, karena itu buah dari akar, kan? Kalo akarnya kuat, bener, buahnya ya bagus. Tapi kamu tetep nunjukin prinsip yang dipegangnya itu. Mereka juga ngerti kok,"
That was, once again, not a justification but only another way to tell the truth. You see, people have come from a very different background with different way of teaching, way of thinking, et cetera. Their way of accepting different things are also different. There might be some people who went angry over small-unimportant things or maybe just sit down in silence, letting things they know is wrong happened in front of their eyes.

It is important to be sure about who you are, what you are, and to tell people about that. Identity is something that make people recognize you. From the start, make people recognize you at one go, that way, you might have told people what you believe in without a word. That way, you might mingle with anyone else and the truth that you believe in may had spread a little bit wider.

Sure enough, screaming has less relation with acceptance but doing nothing has never been an answer.


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