HASHTAG NAIKCOMLINE : episode perkenalan

May 11, 2014

"kok sampe sekarang gue belom pernah liat ya, ada orang cerita soal pengalaman naik kereta?"
"belom nemu aja kali lo nya,"
That was a little conversation between me and my friend when we ride the train home. Iyanih, sejak 8 bulanan yang lalu, saya jadi commuter yang naik commuter line. Desek-desekan tiap pagi dan turun di stasiun (yang penumpangnya turunnya paling ga santai) Tebet. Naik kereta on regular basis rupanya nano-nano rasanya, seneng iya, sebel iya. But basicly, I love taking public transportation (and this is not a mere sweet talking), and it amazes me, how a person could kill (metaphorically) not only to get into the train but also to get out of it.

Jadilah saya mikir, kayanya bikin episode cerita-cerita dari naik kereta seru juga.

And here, we begun the 'episode perkenalan' of a series called HASHTAG NAIKCOMLINE. Intinya sih, yaaa... yang nggak enak-nggak enak di kereta, diketawain aja. It's hard already to cope with the work-life, why make it harder by being cranky in the train, right?

see you on the first episode!

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