Change Happens

December 08, 2013

The only thing that is constant is change - Heraclitus
Change happens, either you want it or not.

One of my best friend told me that it was the peer pressure and her academic circumstances that initially got her to let go of her big-white-super comfortable sport shoes into some flat shoes, loafers, and sometimes, high heels. Another friend of mine said to me that I'm the only one who still use my university outfit to office without having any slight thought to change (or maybe I do care about my worn-out running shoes and deciding to buy a new one but apparently, I shouldn't wear running shoes for meeting so the plan got cancelled).

So that was my friend, and I who refuses to change but apparently had to. Yet, I think for the very short period of three months, I've been changing a lot.

I've been an avid reader who could change book every day but now I can read one book in two weeks (and it's depressing actually).

I've been a diligent diary writer for 7 years and now I didn't even write for about a month.

I've been constantly whining about working over time but at the end of the day, I'm the one who decided to stay late.

I've been dying to continue on my study right away after I graduate, who knows I would love (and hate) my job (equally) and I've got no plan on leaving.

I've been thinking that although I can learn a lot from my job right now (technically and personally), sometimes, weekends keep me sane. And also, it is normal to have a thought of having a day off every now and then. And by thinking that way, I'm not taking back what I've said about the Keara and Ruly's scene I once wrote here.

I've been having a lot of change in thoughts, about my life, about my job, about people around me, about relationship, about my ideal future life, almost about everything.

My friends around me are changing too, some of them are chasing their dreams, changing their plans, and I can see some of them in a different light. Some of them come, some go, and some of them just disappear. But some of them stay, no matter how far I've changed by now.

The only thing that is constant is change. And it's exciting now to see me reflecting upon myself. What unconscious change I've done to myself, what kind of change that I want to see in the near future. Step by step, brick by brick, I re-planning my goals, re-writing my targets. And I will stop every now and then to see what have I become.

Hopefully it's always for the better.
Well eventually, over time, we all become our own doppelgangers. These completely different people who just happen to look like us. Five years ago? That girl was pretty great. But doppelganger Robin? She's amazing. - Ted Mosby 

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