
August 06, 2010

what is so annoying about being a moody person?

you can't control your mood, most of the time, you just lost your grip of it, and it controlled you all over.

you will find it hard to pleased everyone, you'll find it hard just to be nice even though you know that your moody state is not their fault.

people who don't understand may judge you the wrong way, but hey, that's not their fault, you are not nice to them, why they should be nice on you?

it is easier to be angry at anything that doesn't suit you

people will easily misunderstood you

sekalinya gue merasa sangat sulit untuk mengontrol diri gue sendiri adalah saat awal awal SMA. selama SMA, gue ditempa untuk menjadi orang yang mau mencoba untuk mengerti orang lain, menjaga perasaan orang lain, dan menahan diri pada saat-saat tertentu. Pada dasarnya, gue nggak suka terlibat dalam konflik, gue akan mundur teratur dan menghindarinya. Gue menahan diri, dan dengan begitu, I control my mood. I tell myself a lot of logical explanation why do I have to do this to myself, why shouldn't I let my ego out.

Recently, it is a hard thing to do.

mungkin karena pegangan gue aja yang kurang kuat, keyakinan gue kurang kuat, kemauan gue kurang kuat. it is always easier to blame people when you don't feel right, but is that a right thing to do? I don't think so.

Gue bisa aja kesel sama orang terus gue liat penyanyi yang nyanyi dengan suara nggak enak (tapi entah kenapa pede aja dengan itu) dan bete sepanjang hari.

Gue nggak ingin menjadi seperti itu, that's why I have to move on. And I'm pretty sure of myself now. Face it, be brave.

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