holidaaaaay (day 3) : SMSan sama Ina and some quotes
December 18, 2009SMSan sama Ina is another favorite thing of mine. Ina adalah temen SD gue yang pas SD malah nggak gue kenal sebenernya. I have mentioned about her in this post actually.
text messaging session with Ina is actually my stress reliever recently. I can reply hers on the way I wanted to ^^
I've posted some example here. but this is another example:
fitri : Ngg. ini ud d jalan plg. tmen gw curhat dadakn td jd gw tmenin. cerita lgkpny bsk dah..
ina : okh.okay lah. sip dah. ho hi ho ha ha teknik plg gaya alalahh
fitri : sip na. arsitektuur.. ars ars ars
ina : metal! hua! metal metal metal!
fitri : naaa..mdh2n nyokap gw kg marah dah gw br plg. tekiim. tekim tekim tekim
ina : yaudah. blg aja ada urusan keluarga. mesin, ah cpek ah
yah pokoknya begitulah.
oh iya gw menemukan lines bagus dari TV kemaren pas mindah-mindahin channel nggak taunya kepindah ke Naruto. trus gue dapet lines ini :
Naruto : sepertinya aku tidak mungkin membawa Sasuke kembali saat ini karena ia telah menjadi sangat kuatI'm not a big fan of Naruto. I don't even read the comic or understand the plot. but listening to those lines, well... I just like it!
Kakashi : Kau tinggal menjadi lebih kuat lagi saja, kan?
another line from the song "Someday" by John Legend. This song has been my favorite ever since I knew the lyrics. This is my favorite line :
...for today/My eyes are open/...I actually found another lines from Grey's Anatomy. FYI, watching Grey's Anatomy is my mother's recent hobby. I pick these lines when she was watching one of the episode of GA.
we only see what we wanna seewell that happens so many times to me. happy holiday theeeeeeeeeen!
and believe what we want to believe
and it works
we lie to ourselves so much
that after a while
the lie start to seem like the truth
we deny so much
that we can recognize the truth
right in front of our faces