Lately I've been having interest to maps, maybe because my father actually reads map (and he brags about it often) or maybe it just another undescribable antics of mine (like loving the smell of post-its or how I love doing plastic covers on my book).
So recently two of my friend went to japan and china and kindly brought some maps for me. I was elated, but I can't keep them on my drawer forever, let alone use them. I also can't make a book cover out of them it's just too many and I hate it if I have to cut it. I can't stick it on the wall either because I plan on having a new bookshelves soon (as soon as I able to drag myself to start drawing the shelf).
Then this morning I had the urge to re-organize my clothes, and then I think, maybe it's nice to have my maps on my boring-closet. I can see them everyday and I don't have to buy a new closet. And here's my new closet!
It's still ongoing though because I'm running out of the maps. I hope I can finiah it soon (as soon as I get another map :p)